Contact Us

We believe passionately in improving the patient experience, and take seriously our role in educating customers about new and increasingly complex choices in vision improvement. We specialize in growing elective vision procedures using tools and techniques proven over 15 years of successful elective vision practice-building.

Working intensely with practices around the US and world to refine patient interaction, we elevate customer service, improve surgical outcomes, accelerate elective vision growth and increase profitability. Kay Coulson, founder of Elective Medical Marketing,  is a thought-leader in elective vision excellence, and her team is committed to bringing practical, effective, and actionable skills to your elective vision practice.

Learn how Elective Medical Marketing can help your LASIK and Elective Lens Implant service lines. We offer personalized practice assessments, individualized surgeon and administrator coaching, practical practice management and full-service marketing.


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 OR CALL US AT 888.908.6226 

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